Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Emperor's New Groove

Since I don't have a theme song guy to introduce us to today's post, let's just jump right in!

David Spade is an evil man-child. I just want to get that out of the way quickly since I really don't care for the actor at all, yet it doesn't hamper how I see Kuzco (his character). In a way the actor actually fits the character really well since initially Kuzco isn't a likeable person. So...yay for that? Since I'm on the topic of the actors, hands down Eartha Kitt and Patrick Warburton, as Yzma and Kronk, are by far the highlight of not just the cast but the characters as well. They work so well together and do such a great job. Oh and John Goodman is here as Pacha. I...don't really have a lot to say about him.

Now for a brief pause. This film has some really nice animation, everything is interesting to look at and looks great constantly. In particular the characters are really fun to watch, I found myself oddly enjoying Kuzco's human form especially his facial expressions at the end when he's talking to Pacha in the palace.

Songs....what songs? If there were any they were rather forgettable, even if the theme song guy's song was catchy enough as it is. It really is a shame that Eartha Kitt's song was cut out, having heard it via other sources I can say that it's inclusion would have been a welcome one.

The story is a large spin on the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, though instead he becomes turned into a llama. Or a demon llama if you're Pacha. This occurs because Kuzco's scheming advisor, Yzma, wishes to become empress (don't they all?) and gets her blundering assistant to poison him. However, a vial mishap results in Kuzco transforming into a llama. Along the way, Kuzco becomes lost and has to enlist Pacha's help, though the two are at odds since the selfish emperor wants to demolish Pacha's home and build a summer home in it's place. Along the way the two overcome their differences and become good friends.

Perhaps my biggest issue with the film, David Spade aside, is how there's numerous fourth wall jokes that interrupt the story an at times feel like they just slow things down instead. I personally didn't find them funny so much as a patience tester. One notable thing about this film however is that, to memory, Pacha's wife is the first pregnant woman seen in Disney animation. Given my memory though I could be wrong, but since there's still a lot of ground to cover we will see!

Now in the end, the big thing I love about this film, and can't praise enough, is Yzma and Kronk. If you haven't seen the film watch it for them at least.


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