Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Post. The B(l)og is Back.

Happy New Year's  all!

After some thinking, I've decided that I really want to bring this blog back and get it going again. Currently I am on the last couple days of my vacation, and the first couple days back home will be rather hectic.

With this said, this is the current list of what to expect this week in general:

- An Atlantis: The Lost Empire review. Somehow I overlooked this during my Disney Classic's marathon.

- A full countdown/ranking of the 51 Animated Classics for Disney. (Wreck-It-Ralph is excluded currently)

- Rankings of my Top 10 Heroes, Heroines, Villains, Henchmen, Sidekicks, and Songs for Disney.

- An Information post on how the Top 10's and Ranking's work.

With that said, I will be working on a list of other Extras and potential Countdowns I'd like to do, as well be writing up a list of all my current reviews so that I can track what I've already done, so as to avoid double dipping.

Coming up in January -after- I am caught up on the list above, I will be looking into starting a TV Show most likely to serve as my focus, or perhaps several TV Shows that I don't have a ton of. Marathons (such as the DAC one) will be announced a week or so ahead of time.

That is all for now, and I look forward to the next year in review. :)

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