Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 10 Countdowns and Rankings

The first of two posts for today. Starting today I will be doing "Top 10" countdowns, as well as Rankings. So a quick overview on how both will work.

Rankings: These will come after a Genre or Marathon has finished, at which point I will rank all of the films, episodes, shorts etc. from that batch. Pretty straightforward. The ranking will be based off of the ratings I have given, which will largely determine the order.

Top 10's: Currently I am looking at simply expanding my countdowns from Top 5's to Top 10's from here on out. My first three posts following this new format will be an overall ranking of characters and songs for Disney. The way this works is all of my Top 5's for each group (Heroes, Heroines, Villains etc.) have been merged, and then whittled down to the favourite 10.

That should cover everything that I can currently think of.... so on with the first post!

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